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Portfolio software
Portfolio software

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Knit Pro - Information System for the process of knitting machines in type "Cotton"
Knit Pro - Information System for the process of knitting machines in type
Used technologies:
  • Borland Delphi
  • QuickReport
Calculate Card knitting, knitting machine in which. Supports various sizes - P, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL, XXXXL. Support nomenclatures companies, machines and models. GG, and Advanced search modes yarn; chertaene Calculation and timing of the various details of the models; Calculation of costs for standard model (ednolitsevo cups, cups bands,% Rate of yield and gross cost of yarn) Calculation of technology to map individual growth rates, and applications marks; archiving.
Used technologies:
  • PHP
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • MySQL
WEB based information system for hosting companies supporting: Client database with information for domain owner, contacts, address, e.t.c.; Watching for expire accounts and automaticly sending e-mail; Watching for servers and their services (WEB Server, MySQL, FTP, SSH, Mail); User rights and restrictions support; Payments on every account for period; Sending Welcome mail with instructions for using service; Support for unlimited count of servers; Mailer system for sending e-mails to clients; Automatic FTP upload of Welcome page when creating account; Automatic FTP upload of Welcome page when creating account; Automatic receive and processing orders from e-mail; Users log-file;
Web based warehouse system
Web based warehouse system
Used technologies:
  • PHP
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • MySQL
  • XML
Web based warehouse & information system supporting: Management of warehouse materials; Clients; Client orders; Delivers; Deliver orders; Materials consumation for one article; Different kind of reports; User rights restrictions; Users log-file;
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