Sofia (BG): 07:59 AM
London (UK): 05:59 AM
New York (USA): 12:59 AM
Language: Bulgarian
Sofwtare development
When your activity is specific and the standard software solutions cannot fulfill your requirements – you need specially developed for you software. Being our client you will receive exactly the needed software...
Web based applications
We are developing web based applications, using Internet and the related thereby technologies, allowing safe work at a distantly located working place with data from the corporative network...
Web design
Web site is the place for complete on line presentation of your business. It is the means for communication with the present and the future clients of each company, it is an important part of the company identity...
About us
Software Solutions Ltd. is a company specialized in custom software development, web design, Internet/Intranet applications and consulting services.

The company has potential and experience in development of complex solutions for its customers - implementation of concepts for data security, corporate and virtual private networks, databases and software development.
The combination of high growth, low inflation, stable currency, free-market economy, low budget deficit - sets Bulgaria apart from neighboring states in Central and South East Europe as a low risk, high return location. As well, as part of their due diligence, investors repeatedly have found Bulgaria's well developed knowledge- and technological skill base comparable to, and compatible with their own.

We have an extensive experience in many outsourcing projects and long term relationships with international clients and partners. We work with our clients in secure and confidential relationship.
Web based warehouse and information system of managing the warehouse economy, which gives the possibility of following the goods, suppliers, clients, incomes, expenditures, and funds in an unlimited number of warehouses...
WEB based information and managment system for hosting companies...


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Software Solutions Ltd.
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria (BG)
23A Lyulyakova gradina Str.
phone: +359 2 870 84 33
fax: +359 2 870 84 33
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©2001-2025 Software Solutions Ltd.